Please feel free to craft a response to any one or all of the following questions:

Enter the content for your submission below. You must save first and preview once before it goes into the system as a draft. After that, continue to edit, save, and preview as much as needed. Remember to click "Publish Final" when you are done. If you include your email address, we can send you a link that will allow you to make changes later.
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Please let us know how you want to be attributed or represented with your submission, if at all. Provide as much detail as you wish. You can provide additional information in the writing area if needed.

Please feel free to craft a response to any one of or all of the following questions (all of the standard WordPress formatting and multimedia features are available). What are the best and worst features of the traditional textbook format (print or digital)? What does the term untextbook mean to you (how could the textbook evolve now)? What does critical learning design mean to you? What themes would you like to see as part of an open untextbook on critical learning design?

See details on the formatting tools in the editing tool tips.

This information will *not* be published with your work, it is only to sent to the editor of Rethink Learning Design Splot.

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STATUS: New, not saved